Who am I?
I went to Carnegie Mellon University Qatar for my Undergraduate Degree. At my time, Facebook was still meant only for college students - only to open up to the general public a year later. Got onto Twitter and LinkedIn during my college years, and I saw the potential in these platforms as many more popped up.
While they were referred to as Web 2.0, the word "social media" slowly began to permeate these networks. I knew that I had to get ahead of this curve.
Finding a full-time job in the region was quite a challenge especially when there was a subtle yet big focus to hire citizens even for entry-level roles, but I used the time to freelance and upskill in Doha.
My big break came in late November 2012 when I was head-hunted via LinkedIn and few contacts. The role was to fill a position at Qatar Airways on their nascent social media team. Following that big break, it's been up and away as I used my personal knowledge and experience to help elevate the organization and learn new skills disrupting the changing digital landscape.
As of late July 2024, I've ended my 11-year tenure at the World's Best Airline (winning it eight times) and taking a short career break while looking for my next opportunity here in the United States.

Visiting the LinkedIn New York office for some work insights
It's not just about work
On the side, I've kept my habit of blogging alive especially being an avid techie and geek. In addition, have a passion for community well-being and using the power of social media for good. Hence, worked with few select individuals to help organize community events that never have a commercial focus but helps to bring people together.
The blogging activity got me invited to many global tech events including MWC, CES, TED, and even going to SXSW. Each of these major industry events has been a melting pot for me to learn and practice something new. Do check out my blog in the navigation link to learn more.

What fuels me?
At times, I like to go above and beyond to demonstrate the validity of my argument. Keeping abreast of the latest tech and social media developments has fuelled my passion.
Also, I'd like to give back with some experienced insights as many are now looking to the Middle East region for their next career opportunity.
Want to contact me?
Thank you for contacting me. Give me a few days to check your message and I'll respond back.